Empowering Healthy Business Podcast Episode 15: Deep Nutrition with Dr. Cate Shanahan

The healthier we are personally, the more energy we can bring to our businesses to make our businesses as healthy as possible. There are several drivers of personal health. This episode of the Empowering Healthy Business Podcast reviews a book called Deep Nutrition, written by Dr. Cate Shanahan, who does a great job helping us understand the nutrition driver.

About the Empowering Healthy Business Podcast

The Empowering Healthy Business Podcast is THE podcast for small business owners seeking to balance having a nicely profitable business, a sustainable, scalable, and salable business, lower stress levels, better work-life balance, and improved physical and emotional fitness. Yes, this is possible! Though it’s not easy. We’re here to help you navigate toward this objective.

Check us out at www.empoweringhealthybusiness.com.